Friday, December 7, 2012

Word Cloud "RtD"

I wanted to find a picture of a CB or a truck. But I couldn't find one, so I just chose to use a cell phone. The cell phone is supposed to be like the CB, it’s a symbol. I also chose 10 words to kind of develop the mood of the story. The words are, The Doghouse, 21, CB, dark, tense, creepy, truck driver, Scooter, Midnight, and death. Throughout the story, the mood was kind of dark and towards the end it was getting tense. The doghouse was symbol and his dad was a truck driver. Midnight and Scooter were the names used for the CB. Maybe I could of included the word ‘three’ because that was also a symbol in the story.

<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="ImageChef Word Mosaic -"/> </a>

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