Monday, December 17, 2012

Poems "The Bees"

Hurt And Pain

Hurt and pain.
There's much to gain.
Peace and love.
It's all the same.
Confusion and doubt.
We're not without.
We weep, we cry.
We plead, we try.
We laugh, we smile.
Only to be hurt 
by one last trial.
Life is a lesson,
so learn it well.
Maybe, one day,
you can tell it's tale.

I think this poem goes along with the short story "The Bees," because its about hurt and pain. It uses the words 'confusion and love'. Gene still cared for his ex wife, Mandy, he regreted ever leaving her and DJ. It said, "He wanted to own up to his behavior, to pay that back child support, to apologize" (Chaon 270). At the time, he thought it was the best thing to do. He was confused, he didn't know what was real or what was fake. It hurted not knowing what happened to Mandy and DJ. The mood of the poem is dark and so is the short story we read.

Secrets and Lies by PoeticJustice
Secrets and lies
Inevitably lead to demise
And without a doubt, lead to more, and many more, and plenty more
Secrets and Lies
Bitter-Sweet taste on you tongue
You struggle to run, your body is numb
Cant look in the mirror, you dont know what-youve-become
Secrets and Lies
Is there a difference you know, from whats kept and whats told
And although you know, that you reap what you sow
Your mind is blinded, confounded, still telling lies and you just-cant-rewind-it
You dont know where it started, so many Secrets that your numb and cold hearted
Your like the new age con artist
Secrets and Lies
Corruption and pain, your going insane
Its no longer-a game-, your yelling and screaming,
Hoping that it all goes away
Looking for someone to blame,
And you feel so ashamed
What started as a small cover up-is now
A soul burning in flames
Secrets and Lies
Will be your demise
So watch what your say, and the games that you play
Think and the speak
Because only the weak, succumb to telling Secrets and Lies
Secrets and Lies.

I think this poem ties with the story "The Bees", because it's about secrets and lies. Gene held a lot of things back from Karen. She knew he had some drinking days and had been married before but didn't know the extent of it. "didn't know that he had another son... didn't know that he had left them one night... just driving off in the car, a flask tucked between his legs... she didn't know about the car crash... she didn't know what a bad person he'd been" (Chaon 271). He couldn't believe that that was him back then. In the poem, "And without a doubt, lead to more, and many more, and plenty more." It was like Gene was never willing to tell Karen the truth, he had chances and chances. But never spoke up. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Animoto "Blood"


"Rights to the Streets of Memphis"

The gang of boys 

Their family was poor 

His mother would cry a lot

His mom showed him the way to the corner store

His mom felt sad when their father left

The boy ran home when he confronted the gang

His mom wrote him a note and sent him to the store

His mom gave him a long heavy stick 

His mom wanted to take away the fear and teach him to stand up for himself

He fought off all the boys and won the right to the streets of Memphis

Friday, December 7, 2012

Word Cloud "RtD"

I wanted to find a picture of a CB or a truck. But I couldn't find one, so I just chose to use a cell phone. The cell phone is supposed to be like the CB, it’s a symbol. I also chose 10 words to kind of develop the mood of the story. The words are, The Doghouse, 21, CB, dark, tense, creepy, truck driver, Scooter, Midnight, and death. Throughout the story, the mood was kind of dark and towards the end it was getting tense. The doghouse was symbol and his dad was a truck driver. Midnight and Scooter were the names used for the CB. Maybe I could of included the word ‘three’ because that was also a symbol in the story.

<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="ImageChef Word Mosaic -"/> </a>

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Who are you?

           Hey, my name is Atley Green. I have one brother and sister. I love playing basketball and hanging out with friends. My favorite color is purple, and I was born in Carbondale. I don't really have a favorite subject in school but if I had to pick, it would probably be math. I love the summer time, and warm days where I can do swimming. Also I love going shopping and I love traveling places. Music is my life, I couldn't live without it.

        "Although everyone shares some qualities with others, no one else is exactly like you physically or psychologiacally" (Abramovitz 1).

     "Your attitude is how you respond to different situations. An attitude can be positive, negative, or in between" (Abramovitz 2). Your attitude towards other people is very important on different levels of relationship. If you give a negative attitude towards someone, they usually will show some negativity toward you.

My Identity!

        These are factors that make up my identity. Family are people in your life who supposrt you and are there for you, Attitude can change the whole situation. Its always good to have a few goals, and sports teach alot of lessens. Having your own identity is a big thing because its the thing that makes up you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Screen Time

                    “Screen Time Higher than Ever for Children” by Tamar Lewin is about more and more children having access to different types of technology, at such a young age. The percent of children under eight spending more time in front of television screens have increased. The parents are downloading apps to keep the kids occupied. A study by Common Sense Media found that half of the households with incomes above $75,000 had downloaded apps for their small children, compared to the one in eight families who earned less than $30,000. The study also found that almost a third of kids under the age of two have televisions in their bedrooms which is a great increase from 2005. Although a report found that screen time gives no benefits for children under the age of two.   
                 Children are spending more time in front of screens and exposed to more technology than ever before.
               An increase in technology has brought young children to stay in front of screens. “… almost a third of children under two have televisions in their bedrooms, a substantial increase from 2005,” found by the Kaiser Foundation (Lewin 1). As technology progresses and gets better, more and more children are getting exposed to it and they enjoy using it. They find it better than reading a book or playing outside. “The study found that fully half of children under eight had access to a mobile device like a smartphone, a video iPod, or other tablet,” studied by Common Sense Media (Lewin 1). Most families have some kind of technology; either it’s a cellphone or a computer. Eventually, if you have young children, at some point they will get their hands on some king of device and will gradually get attached to it. The percent of children under eight spending more time in front of screens has increased.

Friday, August 31, 2012

"The Myth of the Slippery Bachelor"


"The Myth of the Slippery Bachelor" by Belinda Luscombe is about a new study that explains how men aren't as afraid of commitment than women are. The study says, women want to be on their own and want to be independent, men are usually rushing into things like marriage and family. In mens choices of women, different races/religions are not a main factor. But further findings tell a different story, saying the attachment for men and women are the same.


Belinda Luscombe, author of "The Myth of the Slippery Bachelor", quotes, "the mechanisms for attachment for men and women are exactly the same. Just as many men want to get married as women do." (Fisher 52) It's saying that on the topic of marriage and starting a family, men and women are on the same level. It really just depends on the individual person/couple. For example, if you have different experiences with marriage and children, maybe your parents got a divorce. You might want to wait and make sure its the right one.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Saved By the Sell

"Saved by the Sell" by Andrea Ford is about how more and more schools are putting ads in everything the kids do. The arguement is if the ads are bad for the children. Most school boards agreed to change and cover the students locker with numerous amounts of ads. The parents disagree because they have been paying for different programs. By adding many ads, that means that many programs are getting cut. The parents can stop their children from watching television and seeing all the ads but they can't stop them from going to school.